About Guanajuato


Guanajuato day dead altar

Mexico celebrates its famous "Día de los Muertos" - or Day of the Dead - each year on November 2nd.


Every nook and cranny throughout the entire city!


Integrating both Catholic and indigenous traditions, the Day of the Dead is easily one of the Mexico's most fascinating and well-known festivals. The annual celebration honoring loved ones who have passed is filled with a variety of time-honored traditions.

A visit to the cemetery is generally in order, when people visit the final resting places of their deceased relatives, fix up their graves and sometimes even bring along a meal to have in their presence. Back at home, families construct an altar complete with a purple altar cloth, a crucifix, a photo of the deceased and several of his or her favorite possessions. Each home welcomes family members and friends and visitors are often served traditional "cajeta," made of sweet potato, walnuts or guava on aniseed breads or "muertitos," a special kind of bread.

The Day of the Dead festival in Mexico is also famous for its craftwork. Incredible, colorful creations include hand-made toys and knick-knacks as well as the signature "alfeñique" figures made of sugar.